no jetpack

the chronicle of one girl's ill-advised decision to run a really, really long way


After yanking out my wisdom tooth Friday afternoon, the mean oral surgeon’s nice assistant Laura told me not to do any strenuous activity for three days. Saturday’s nine miler seemed to fall into this category. I skipped it and slept in, which, while enjoyable, made my Saturday seem significantly less productive.

Today I biked ten minutes to a breakfast place, and when I got off my bike I felt flushed and nauseous. It’s not possible to get that out of shape that fast, is it?


  • At 13.3.06, Blogger Emilee9 said…

    are you feeling better? we missed you at the run. how is the tea treating you?

  • At 15.3.06, Blogger tortaluga said…

    much better now that the tooth is gone! and the tea is delightful...

  • At 17.3.06, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's not possible to fall out of shape that fast. Right now your body is diverting a lot of energy to heal after the tooth was pulled. Your energy level while exercising will bounce back soon


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