no jetpack

the chronicle of one girl's ill-advised decision to run a really, really long way


So, here’s something you runner-types predicted, but I never believed you: I am going for a run in half an hour, and I can’t wait. I would go right now if I wasn’t waiting for Ty. I am downright looking forward to this run.

I had a crappy afternoon. My thesis is behind schedule, a job that was offered to me turned into a different, less desirable job with fewer hours, and I haven’t been able to focus all week. I have no idea what I will be doing in four weeks, or where, or with who. I am sitting here at this computer, not working on my thesis, looking out the window and thinking, I would like to be running right now, it would be cold and sunny and I wouldn’t have to be dealing with any of this.

Well shit.


  • At 15.2.06, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey - you wrote a while back about getting some sneakers that felt like slippers - what brand and model were they ? inquired tootsies want to know...

  • At 16.2.06, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    and that's how it gets you...

    soon you'll be thinking "heck, if I run, I'm gonna get there faster" really. you will. then, from my experience, the next thought to take you is "if i run faster, i will get there sooner" it's all over then.

  • At 16.2.06, Blogger tortaluga said…

    faster? nah.

    my new slipper-sneakers are asics, i believe the model is called cumulus. they have weird foaminess instead of fabric on top, and they are superlight.


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